Round 43 of the contest has been ended. Details of next round will be announced later.
Weather Forecast Contest will run for 4 Rounds every year, and each Round lasts for 12 weeks:
Round | Contest Period |
43 | 06/02/2017 - 07/05/2017 |
Each participant is required to forecast Sunday's weather for Hong Kong before 00:00 Saturday (submission time based on Weather Underground server).
Forecast elements include:
- Minimum and maximum temperatures over Hong Kong territory
- Minimum and maximum relative humidity at Hong Kong Observatory
- Rainfall amount at Hong Kong Observatory
- Sunshine duration at King's Park
- Maximum UV index at King's Park
Daily weather summaries issued by Hong Kong Observatory
will be used for verification. If data are missing for any parameter, all forecasts for that parameter will be considered accurate.
If you are familiar with the contest, you can jump to the submission form immediately. Otherwise please read the details of the contest before making submission.
Contest Details
- Each participant can only submit with one valid email address in the contest. If multiple identities are found, all current and previous submissions will be deleted. To request for change of e-mail address, please email to
- Nicknames may be used in the contest but they should not contain advertisement, alluding or sensitive meaning, or personal attack. The length shoud be less than 30 English characters or 15 Chinese characters, otherwise the submission may be deleted. Weather Underground reserves the rights to make final decisions on the appropriateness of the nicknames.
- Each participant can submit up to twice each week, and the submission closest to deadline will be accepted. If more than 2 submissions are found, the third and subsequent submissions will be deleted.
- If there is problem to submit the forecast on website, participants can submit by email to
- A confirmation mail will be sent to each participant after submission. If a participant does not receive the mail (s)he should email to before 12:00 Saturday, otherwise his/her submission may be deleted.
- Submissions with invalid e-mail addresses or obscene nicknames will be deleted. You are not allowed to change your name during contest.
Temperature Forecast
Forecast the minimum and maximum temperatures (C) over Hong Kong territory on Saturday. Stations include those stated in Daily weather summaries issued by Hong Kong Observatory (including Hong Kong Observatory). The error is calculated by:
E(MinTemp)=(forecast temp-observed temp)2*5
E(MaxTemp)=(forecast temp-observed temp)2*5
Relative humidity Forecast
Forecast the minimum and maximum relative humidity (%) recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory on Saturday. The error is calculated by:
E(MinRH)=(forecast RH-observed RH)2*0.05
E(MaxRH)=(forecast RH-observed RH)2*0.05
Rainfall Forecast
Forecast the rainfall amount (mm) recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory on Saturday. The error is calculated by:
E(Rain)=(sqrt(forecast amount)-sqrt(observed amount))2*5
Sunshine Forecast
Forecast the sunshine duration (hours) recorded at King's Park on Saturday. The error is calculated by:
E(Sun)=(forecast duration-observed duration)2*5
UV Index Forecast
Forecast the maximum UV index recorded at King's Park on Saturday. The error is calculated by:
E(UV)=(forecast UV index-observed UV index)2*5
Weekly Points and Result Announcement
The total error of each participant is defined as:
and will be sorted by ascending order to obtain the weekly ranking. The weekly score will be calculated according to the
following formula:
Points=Maximum(0, 20-E(Total)/10)
The weekly score of each participant will be accumulated to obtain the final score. The participant with highest final score will be the winner.
- The participants who obtain the highest 3 final scores will receive an anemometer, barometer and thermo-hygrometer, respectively from Weather Underground of Hong Kong.
If there is a tie, the numbers of 1st place (and 2nd, 3rd, etc.) the participants obtained will be used to determine the winners.
- The participant who obtains the highest weekly score will receive an indoor-outdoor thermometer from Weather Underground of Hong Kong.
 (Photos for some prizes for reference)
Weather Underground reserves the rights to make final decisions on the winners and the results are not disputable.
Submission Form